1st Inter-House Sports Competition: How Your School Can Make Financial Profit Organizing the Games, Without Asking Parents to Pay Anything!

Open your mind to it... and turn your school Inter House sports competition  into a Mini Olympics. Just replicate everything they do in organizing an olympics into your own micro setting. By this statement alone, ideas should start coming to you. But you don't have to re-invent the will, just start  by constituting a Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for the Inter-house Sports Event.

Your school LOC will be saddled with the event planning, sourcing and outsourcing suppliers, Financing and Budgeting, marketing and controling partnership elements.... Let the LOC have a clear Terms of Reference... Goals and objectives as well as the expectations of the school management.

Talking of goals and objectives, Inter house sports competition can be a good ways to promote the school's organizational excellence and high quality desposition to the general public. And to extend goodwill to the community as well as corporate organizations in friendship with the school.

Of course, sports at this level is an extra-curricular activity...Apart from being an exercise for healthy living; it is also an opportunity to discover talents and to"catch them young..."  It's  a learning process to get the kids ready for life competition. But let us not forget the core benefit. Sports is entertainment, so plan for the kids and parents to have a lot of fun!

Here, I'll not bother you with event organization, engaging suppliers or budgeting. I will rather concentrate on letting you know how your school can make a huge financial profits...  financing and marketing your Inter-house sports competition in a dynamic way.

Financing Your School Inter-house Sports Competition:
The traditional way most school apply is to imput the cost of the inter-house as part of the children's yearly school fees. They ask the pupil to pay for their house uniform, trophies and organizational fees.

The second way schools finance their inter-house sports competition is by raising funds through the Parents Teachers Forum (PTF). Parents are made to donate towards the game event.

Adding Inter-house sports cost can make the already prohibitive school fees horrible. It can also discourage parents from attending PTF; because school authorities usually use such opportunities to cajor them into paying more money everytime they attend.

Of course, the school can idenify and personally approach philanthropists among the Parents...to be part of the funding. You can offer them chairman of the occasion or a seat at the high table. It's got be apart of the marketing strategy really.

But think about commercializing your school Inter-house sports in a subtle way.. Look for possible partners in different categories: philanthropists, Parents connection, Corporate entities in relationship with your school... I'm careful not to use the word sponsorship, but that's exactly what it is really.

Parents of your school pupils can be very connected in high places. Use them to attract corporate or private individual partners for your inter-house sports.

There are some corporate organizations the school is in relationship with... such as the school bankers, contractors, book suppliers etc. It's time to engage them to be part of the show.

Marketing your School Inter-House Sports Competition 
Before approaching these categories of partners: Philanthropists, Corporate entities, Parents Businesses... think of what you will offer them in return that will be attractive and satisfying to them.

Offer Partnership Exposure during the inter-house sports event... for the philanthropists offer them seat at the high table... and for corporate brands offer exclusive banner or signboard exposure at the venue. Also specially recognize their representatives at the event.

Offer them experiential opportunities with audience... to sell their product or give away samples to attendees.

Plan a full Colored/ High Quality Brochure magazine for the inter-house. Feature your partners' thank you messages with the philanthropist's photo on the publicity. Let the corporate brand get Ad space based on their level of partnership.

Advert Rates for different categories of asociate sponsors should be made.clear. Also give parents first choice to advertise their businesses at subsidized rate...from classified to full page Ad.

In case your school need further consultation or you require a sport marketing Agency to support your organizing committee at affordable price.
  Contact us at GreenHunters Sports International, Call: +234 809 877 2556, Email: gh.sports1@gmail.com

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